So, Ventiko: A Peacock. So It’s a Prance Thing?

But Is It, You Know, A Support Thing?

Performance artist Ventiko‘s emotional support animal was denied passage on a flight from Newark to L.A. this past week. But I’m sure it wasn’t an emotionally shattering verdict for Ventiko (not her real name). The animal was a peacock.

Yup, you read that right. A peacock. In the same week we get Donald Trump preening his feathers at the State of the Uniom (yeah, I ran spellcheck) …

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Words in Wind

One Needs a Start. An Inaugural? A Manifesto? A Start.

Thoughts from the Front is a personal blog. But it’s written by a professional who practices communication for a living, and who depends for his bread (and, occasionally, bacon) on writing. In it, this author plans to explore, explain, and expound on good communication. And venture some ideas about what doesn’t work and why.

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